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Cool little game

this is really fun! a cheat is you can pause by pressing enter


really cool! I would love a version without the time limit to just chill, I love these type of games

You can keep going after the time runs out, it just doesn't add to your score.


Awesome score attack. Definitely a cool math game I would get the class competitive about while masquerading as faux-learning.

Real cool! Love the c64-esque look. Nice job!

Difficult but so funn! Nice

(3 edits) (+4)

interesting scoring




The game should hide the board when paused.

bro is advanced at numbers


Imagine leaving 200+ points worth of clears fresh and ripe on the board

you just need 6 move and it become the highest possible score

these scores are NUTS. how??? do you have any tips?

I figured out how to generate the original board you used; I’ve tried a dozen times over the last few weeks and the highest I can get on your board is mid-900s…

seriously impressive


와! 이 정도에 코드로 만들 수 있다니! 정말 능력자 같아요!


This is so addicting! Great game!

Personal high score: 216


aaah, so difficult

love it

I had fun messing a bit with this simple PICO game. Nice little game to activate brain a little.

Great game :D


deceivingly simple. the basic gameplay is simple, but the strategy that emerges is quite complex. high score 243.

I've been having a ton of anxiety lately and this game has helped me a lot. I'm also much worse than arithmetic than I'd like, so getting a high score makes me feel accomplished.

I was wondering if you still had a mobile/browser version available? It hurts my hand to play on the trackpad after a while. ("Just get a mouse!" Yeah, I should probably do that...)

oh, I’m glad it’s been able to help!

I think this version should work in a mobile browser – it works for me with android + firefox. If it’s not working for you, what os + browser are you using?


OH, it's at the top of the page. I expected it to be in the list of downloads for some reason... Thank you!!

very clean game and quite addicting

The best score I managed to get! (fun game btw)


first try: 68

second try: 92

third try: 74

how the heck is your first try is better than my personal best....

Lmao, i dont know. the game is also luck based so maybe you are unlucky

+ very limited time, good for quick problem solving tho....


Still very fun


just use 100% of my brain


Got 129! I love the Atari style this game has. Reminds me of my days playing plug and play namco games


Make Ten Gameplay

Got 104! Spent like 2 hours playing it. Addicting, great stuff :)


Improvement idea: try to limit the 9's rate of spawning, since it tends to limit the gameplay possibilities.



this game is single-handedly ruining my life 10/10


uhh i got 30


49 !


how did you even get 6.082818640342675608722521633213e+62


42. The meaning of life :O


Pretty fun game!


I got 81 on my first run. I like how if you eliminate numbers, it can allow you to make combo squares. I kinda wish there was a prompt showing you what combo you've made to help with calculations. Otherwise, I'm just looking for standard combos (2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5).


epic 36



Can you please make an update where you guarantee that it is solvable :D I spend too long trying to get it right, but I always run out of numbers even if I only do the pairs (5/5,6/4,7/3,8/2,9/1). Or maybe make sure that there is an even amount of each number. It triggers me that I can never clean up perfectly. :D


haha yeah it’s frustrating, isn’t it? If you did somehow clear the full board within the 2 minutes that would be wild, you’d need some impossible luck.

I’m not gonna change this version BUT I’ve been working on an expansion with a bunch of variant game modes, and some of them are quite satisfying :)

We need to see some of those!

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't think you need to create pairs; as long as the sum of the whole board adds to a multiple of 10, that should do it! 

edit: don't listen to me, this doesn't work

Agreed that would be good/better as well 


Gave me some interesting insight into some of how my dyslexia works, haha. Kind of wild to watch that play out. Really neat! Worked really cleanly, especially considering the jam limitation. 


oh? I’m interested to hear more, if you’d like to share. thanks for playing!


Yeah! It was crazy how I just could not do the math quickly enough, it just took ages like trying to focus through a nasty lens. And then when I started memorizing color combos it was like the board just LIT UP with combos! I had this moment of "oh wow is this just how people perceive numbers? They just? mean what they mean at face value and people just Understand them at a glance?".

Like, just the way it was so much easier when I just thought about color combos really opened my eyes to how much I truly struggle with numbers. Thinking about finding a way to color code whatever math I have to do in the future and seeing if it helps a little! 

oh, fascinating! personally, I find the colors helpful, but it’s not nearly as drastic as you describe. thank you for sharing! what an unexpected positive impact my little game has had


Nice but I think I would like it more if you had a fixed amount of moves instead of a time limit.

That would be a very interesting variant.

ok that was adictive

(3 edits) (+2)



for 500 characters this game is actually insane, size doesnt matter !


it does if we're talking about smth else ifykyk

Afraid I cannot read PICO code, but I was wondering, is there anything being done to balance the fact that lower value numbers will be more combinable than high value ones? i.e. higher score or lower spawn rate, as I wasn’t able to tell.


Nope! it’s pure randomness, white noise. I’ve been working on an expansion with a bunch of variant game modes, and I’ve been playing with the distribution in some of them – there’s one where every number spawns the same exact number of times as every other number 😌


Great and very fun game! 

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